Hi Kathy, thank you for your support.
In the last 7 months, when the nationwide uprising was going on in Iran, some alliances were made outside of Iran between some Iranian celebrities living abroad and the son of the previously expelled Shah of Iran in 1979. But because they did not have roots in Iranian society and, on the other hand, they were dependent on foreign powers, practically no one inside Iran supported them. The next point is that these people did not have any organization and coherent organization, while leading an uprising and revolution in a big country like Iran requires a powerful alternative with a coherent organization throughout the country. Therefore, if you have read the article, you can understand that the only real alternative that is rooted in the Iranian society and has been fighting the nationwide struggle against the religious dictatorship regime for more than 42 years by paying a heavy price, i.e. the execution of 120,000 of its members and supporters, is the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) and the main force of this council is the People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK). Yes, this democratic coalition of forces with a history of long struggle and the leadership of a woman, Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, is the only hope for the future of Iran to replace the religious dictatorship regime.
Due to the independent action of this alternative, they have always been exposed to demonization and negative propaganda of the mullahs' regime in Iran and their appeasement supporters in the West, unfortunately. But they have the support of thousands of parliamentarians from the democratic countries of Europe and America. The majority of the United States Congress in Resolution No. 100 and more than 250 members of the British Parliament and recently the majority of the Italian Senate have supported the Democratic Alternative under the leadership of Mrs. Rajavi and her ten-point plan for the future of Iran through statements. NCRI and MEK also has a wide network of thousands of resistance units inside Iran, which spark and guide uprisings in Iranian cities.