The situation of workers in Iran 2019
The situation of workers in Iran 2019
Contrary to democratic countries, Iranian workers are systematically denied their basic rights.
What are the differences between workers in Iran and other countries? In 2019, the Iranian regime excluded contract workers from Labor Law. “Ali Khodaie, a member of regime’s High Labor Council (August 2019): Only 4% of Iranian workers enjoy job security.”
“Over 90% of Iranian workers lack job security. In Croatia, which has the worst condition in Europe, job insecurity is 8.4%. This means 12.6 million Iranian workers have no job security.
Factoring in their families, at least 40 million Iranians don’t have a guaranteed livelihood. Over 3.5 million workers have not been registered anywhere and don’t have any rights. According to Iran’s 2019 budget, the base monthly salary for workers is about $125.
Meanwhile, the officially declared poverty line in Iran is $580. So, the monthly salary of Iranian workers is just enough to live for 6 days! Additionally, there is a long list of factories & companies whose workers have not received their salaries for months.
At the same time, labor protests are met with the Iranian regime’s iron fist. The regime suppresses all major labor protests, or at best, turns a blind eye on workers’ demands and rights.
The past 40 years have proven that the mullahs’ regime has no respect for the rights of Iranian workers. But Iran’s workers have proven they have the will to continue to fight for their rights.
Originally published at on September 28, 2019.